I can't get into Overdrive! (Faculty & Staff)


There are TWO potential places you might run into trouble when trying to use the Overdrive app.

1. Are you getting stuck here? 

If so, click here for instructions on how to set up the app. Follow the instructions on the left side of the screen to get set up in the app for the first time. If you've used the Overdrive app before, but can't remember your password when signing in here, please click "reset your password" and go through the steps to reset your password.


2. Are you getting stuck here? 

If so, please see the faculty & staff login information below.

Username: Infinite Campus username

Password: stevenson125

If you continue to have trouble getting into Overdrive, please click here to email a librarian.

  • Last Updated Oct 14, 2020
  • Views 33
  • Answered By Jami Lopez

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