Does the library have digital magazines?


Flipster is the Library's Digital Magazine App.

With Flipster, you can read magazines on your computer or iPad  

On a laptop or desktop:  

Access the digital magazine collection by scrolling to Flipster at the bottom of ILC webpage.


On an iPad or mobile device:

  • Download the Flipster app from your app store or from Self Service.

  • Find My Library: enter Adlai and click LOG IN when our school's name appears.

  • You will need to log in with your SHS GMAIL account.

  • Current issues of the magazines are displayed. Tap on the cover to search for past issues.

  • Select download to send the magazine to your mobile device. This allows access when not connected to the internet.

  • Tap on the cover to open the magazine. Use the table of contents to tap on any article you want to read or just scroll through the pages.

  • Most magazines do not have an expiration date. Some may expire after one week. If a magazine does not expire, you may keep it forever, however, saving issues takes up room on your device.

  • Use to remove magazines from your device. 



  • Last Updated Oct 19, 2020
  • Views 12
  • Answered By Toni Gorman

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